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OU Administrative Policies
and Procedures

371 Wilson Blvd., Suite 4000
Rochester , MI 48309-4482
(location map)

OU Administrative Policies
and Procedures

371 Wilson Blvd., Suite 4000
Rochester , MI 48309-4482
(location map)

420 Broadcast E-Mail


RATIONALE:  Oakland University (University) has the capability to communicate rapidly and widely to audiences through Broadcast Email.  To protect the University from CAN-SPAM law violations and to ensure that University email is not blocked from delivery by external providers, strict protocol for distribution of Broadcast Email and other electronic communications must be followed. 

POLICY:   Only Authorized Senders may issue and/or approve the distribution of Broadcast Email from an legalisbg.com address. 

University Communications and Marketing (UC&M) has final authority over the release of all Broadcast Emails.   

  • Distributors of Broadcast Email must be aware of the technical, legal, and editorial aspects required to maintain the University's services, brand and style standards.  University policy for software and services (Policy 870 Software Regulations) must be followed for the acquisition of a Broadcast Email solution.  

  • In general this medium should be used carefully and conservatively to maximize the impact of important messages.  Specifically, the use of such medium should be restricted to three message classes: 
  • Urgent
    Messages pertaining to critical, time-sensitive matters, such as security alerts issued during campus crisis and emergency situations. 

  • Vital
    Important, non-emergency messages necessary to support the administration of official University business matters. 

  • Strategic
    Informative messages designed to address and advance aspects of the University's formally adopted mission, vision and goals.   

SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY:    All Broadcast Email originating from any University office or department, or from any authorized University employee acting in a professional capacity, are included in this policy.  


Authorized Senders:  University personnel specifically authorized by UC&M who are approved to distribute Broadcast Email.  

Broadcast Email:  Email intended as a unidirectional message sent with broad distribution, including announcements, news reports, newsletters, and similar widely distributed messages.  

PROCEDURES:  Those wishing to send Broadcast Email must contact UC&M to be established as Authorized Senders.  UC&M will work with the requester to determine the best tool and mailing list appropriate for the broadcast.  Authorized Senders that send Broadcast Emails are responsible for obtaining any necessary approvals regarding purpose and content.  

The procedure for sending Broadcast Emails to a grouping of all students (i.e., all registered students, all undergraduate students, etc.) requires permission from the relevant student officer identified as a Data Steward in Policy #860 Information Security.  UC&M may assist with the identification of other mailing lists or groups suited to purpose.  



Gmail Bulk Senders Guidelines

Policy #860 Information Security

Policy #870 Software Regulations